Victioria Police have launched an new suite of information sheets titled ‘Family Violence: What Police Do‘ in 13 languages, including Greek, to help people know their rights and explain how police acts on domestic violence.
The suite has been developed for people from culturally diverse communities and people with disability, according to a Neos Kosmos news daily report. The program provides information for those affected by family violence and people supporting them.
The pages that can be downloaded explain how to recognise family violence (including financial and psychological abuse) and support available.
The resources are available in 13 languages, including Greek and Easy English, and can be downloaded from the Victoria Police website.
“We know that family violence is all too prevalent in Victoria and it affects people from a diverse range of backgrounds,” Assistant Commissioner Dean McWhirter told Neos Kosmos.
“There are misconceptions about the role of police in investigating family violence, and the steps that will be followed.
“Having easily accessible information is critical in ensuring that people know their rights, and more importantly where to seek help. Our message is we are here to support you and keep you safe.”
To download, go to