The dual citizenship saga continues in Australian media, with Industry Minister Arthur Sinodinos being the new target over the possibility that he holds a Greek citizenship, according to Neos Kosmos news daily.
Dual citizenship is not allowed for members of parliament, according to the Australian constitution. The issue has been overblown recently by the media and in social networks.
Sinodinos’ late parents were born on the Greek island of Cephalonia and he may have been holding a Greek citizenship without knowing it, Australian media have reported. The senator, however, was born in Australia and has denied he ever held Greek citizenship.
“According to Greek law, a ‘child of a Greek father or a Greek mother acquires Greek citizenship by birth’, ” a Channel Nine report said, implying that Sinodinos may be unwittingly holding a Greek citizenship.
“Media reports… that I hold dual Greek citizenship are false,” Sinodinos said in a statement. “Categorically, I am not a dual citizen. I was born in Newcastle and have lived in Australia all my life,” he said, according to the Neos Kosmos report.
The senator added “I have recently confirmed with the Government of Greece that I have never held a Greek citizenship.”
Similarly, media recently probed MP Julia Banks, also of Greek descend, for the possibility that she is also holding dual citizenship.