The deal between Greece and Australia for the tourist visa which also provides the right to work seems to be undone.
The Australian Council of Trade Unions is already asking the government to once again examine the visas which provide the right to work temporarily due to the high rate of youth unemployment.
This visa can be provided for 12 months and allow only a limited amount and type of work or study in a University.
Australia has already signed this deal with other countries (including Cyprus) but not yet with Greece, even the pressure by the expatriates and the assurance of both sides that the papers are ready to be signed.
Now, the president of ACTU Ged Kearny supports that the rate of youth unemployment is 25% and the government has to rethink its policy.
Dr. Bob Birrell, who has focused on demographic issues in the University of Monash, supports that in last years there was an increase of 30% in arrivals.
“People aged 18-30 years are coming to Australia with a tourist visa and they have the right to stay and work here for one year,” said Dr. Bob Birrell, adding also that “they take jobs from the Australians.”
He strongly supports that it’s better for Australia not to make any deal with Greece or Spain since they have a high unemployment rate.
At the same time, the Executive Director of YHA supports that studies have shown that people who came to Australia as tourists, create jobs. “Every 100 arrivals create six new jobs, because they spend money on goods and services.”
He also added that the number of young Australians who go abroad to work is small because many Australians have double citizenship; instead they go to the country of origin of their parents “as citizens of the country and not as Australians.”